Sniff. Sniff sniff. Yep. Smells like nothing. What? I don't have a nose.
- Karl M
Karl M is an enigmatic and kooky fellow who has everything and the kitchen sink hidden away under his cloak. He's the type of person to throw his coat down over a puddle and insist you go first, bowing courteously, only for a slide whistle to be heard the second you step onto it as a falling grand piano crushes you moments later. The grand piano is his and it's worth millions, but hey, that's the price you pay for a good bit.
He is extremely intelligent and this probably annoys people quite a lot - he could be studying astrophysics, or law, or literally anything he wants - but he's instead using his enormous brain to calculate Walter's sleep pattern so he can figure out what time would be best to break into his room and swap all his cutlery for sporks. Quite possibly the smartest idiot that ever existed.