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Itti • any/all

i'm gonna hug you... to DEATH!

- Itti

Itti is a teeny tiny robot that thinks they are very talented. For example, they believe they are fantastic at singing. They are wrong.

In a metaphorical sense, they believe that life is a game they must win. Itti wants to be the best at everything, always, and goes to extreme lengths to prove how talented they are at a certain activity than anyone else in the room. This usually comes off as amusing rather than annoying - their small size and tinny voice means they appear no scarier than an overly ambitious houseplant!


5th June 2024, Itti spread alongside Millie, Miri, and Norbert

6th September 2024, character studies of Itti and Stevie

25th October 2024, mini-comic

7th November 2024, Itti poses & my birthday stickers

All drawings (chronological order)

3rd February 2024, "walkie-talkie" character concepts

3rd February 2024, first drawing of Itti

8th February 2024, complete gen 2 cast

15th February 2024, comparing Itti to a scrapped design

20th February 2024, at a stage where Itti didn't have a name, alongside Miri

23rd February 2024, where I was consistently forgetting to draw their ears

15th March 2024, off-model colour refs

18th March 2024, final page of Sketchbook 3

22nd March 2024, Charlotte in oil pastel and Christmas versions of Holly, Karl M, Karen, and Miri

8th April 2024, testing out duos/trios, Itti is paired with Stevie and Cheryl

20th April 2024, colourful page also featuring Koff, Cheryl, Stitches, Norbert, and Miri